Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Pauline “It Wasn’t Me” Middelveld Religious Adviser: John “Klingon” Perkins Hash Cash: Simon “Lubang Oz” Wreford Grog Master: John “Klingon” Perkins Checking Chicken: David “Udder Idjit” Cheeseman Sgt@Arms: Barry “GG” Kerr; Soc Sec: Linda “Cyclone Tracy” Anderson-Berry On Sec: Andrew “Shitoffashovel” Middleton Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg and Bacon Pie” Gierck Hare Raiser: Nick “Nickle B” Leicester Hash Flash: Mark “Ambidexterous Hand Job” Kalic Web Master: Stuart “Flem” Smith
Run 1503, 20 Jun 2012 Hare: Pog Venue: Temperance Hotel, 426 Chapel St, Sth Yarra
Funny namne for a hotel. We asked the bar staff what it was changed to Temperance, They said it was supposed to be funny.
The hare said their would be a runners trail, a walkers trail, and a trail for the old and infirm. What happend was that the hare came with us on the run, and marked a series of short cuts mid-pack, mid run. Hence the “old and infirm” got to catch up and/or lead the pack at various times. Those who were runners thus became old and infirm and vice versa several times. It may not have been a good run for our health, but is did keep the pack sort of together.
Charges: Pog, GG, Dr Boner, Astro, Cutloose, Nicklkebum, Lotsafun.
On On
Scribe: Anon
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in red or other colour, collar & print is white or black $30.
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