Visitors Firsty Ferret Dr Dementia Motor Mouth Queen Latrine Returnees Mummies Boy Maple Muff Hares Story Teller Barbies Box Point Post (mentor) The Run “Started off with well marked Big arrows which changed into smaller tiny arrows that were harder…
Run 1683 | 2nd September 2015 | Racy Tracey (Birthday Girl) and No Balls @ The Royal Melbourne Yacht Club

Looking at my notes written on the back of a napkin, I realise how awful my handwriting is so apologies for any mistakes. A bedraggled, forlorn Racey Tracey, and a dripping, sodden No Balls tried desperately to re-set their hash…
Run 1682 | 26 August 2015 | Point Post@Pointy’s
Three weeks ago we were deep in Melbourne’s drug capital of North Richmond and yet only a few kilometres to the east here we were leafy Hawthorn on a sublime evening with jasmine budding. Runners gathered with great expectation and…
Run 1681 | 19 August 2015 | Cock Up@Clyde Hotel
So we were told the aim of the run was to see if Lakeside could outrun and outdrink the Uni students. Cock-Up made a valiant start to the challenge by setting a run that was not too long so those…
Run 1680 | 12 August 2015 | Cod Piece and E&B @ Queen (Sweaty Box) Market
Run No: 1680 Date: 12 August 2015 – The Glorious 12th! Hares: Cod Piece and E&B Location: Queen (Sweaty Box) Market Well where do I start? That was the question on most hashers’ lips when they turned up to Queen…
Run 1677 | Christmas in July | 22 July 2015 |MothBall and TigerMoth @ Annetta St Ashburton
We took off south along the Gardiner’s Creek bike path towards the old rail trail to Alamein Station. Thereafter the run took us through the glamorous streets of Ashburton to Glen Iris, past Pointy’s old house in Muswell Hill Road,…
Run 1673 | 1st July 2015 | E&B @Pizza & Pasta, Richmond

E&B has a habit of having her Richmond run trails gazumped/plagiarised/nicked/purloined. Last year it was Shit Off A Shovel who used her trail 2 weeks before she set it. This time it was Two Bottoms who stole E&B’s thunder by…
Run Report 1672 | 24 June 2015 | Carringbush Hotel
We gathered at the Carringbush Hotel on a clear night ready for the Chef’s Hump Day Special (fish stew which included a pint – can’t lose). Turns out the hotel was built in 1889 however the hotel changed its name to the Carringbush Hotel…
Run Report 1666 |13 May 2015|Naughtons Hotel
Run Report 1666 Hares: Kokup & Punch Naughtons Hotel, Parkeville ‘It was a dark and stormy night; the rain fell in torrents — except at occasional intervals, when it was checked by a violent gust of wind which swept…
Run Report| Balaclava Hotel | 17 June 2015
Run 1671 Hare: Cheesecake Venue: Balaclava Hotel It was with much trepidation that this scribe agreed to do tonight’s run report. To step into Cheescake’s shoes is a big task. I was unsure of whether or not I could carry…