Lakeside Hash House Harriers The drinking club with a running problem
Grand Master: Phillip “Prince” Johnson Relig. Advisor: David “Point Post” Shearn Hash Cash: Mirian “Tiger Moth” Cruz Grog Master: David “Mothball” De Freitas Checking Chicken: Lai “Lotsa Fun” Leicester Sgt@Arms: Nick “NickleB” Leicester & Phillip “Mummies Boy” Edwards Soc Sec: Dana “Dangerous” Clementz On Sec: Liz “Cheesecake” Kelly Hash Haberdash: Lorraine “Egg & Bacon Pie” Hare Raiser: “The Shah”, “Flem “& “It Wasn’ Me” Hash Flash: Eva “Codpiece” Cox Web Master: John “Klingon” Perkins
Run 1238, 12 December 2007 Hare: Rolf Harris Venue: Kevin Bartlett reserve, FR Smith Drive, Burnley.
Who’s Kevin Bartlett I hear no-one ask? Back in the 70s, he played 403 AFL games for Richmond.He was a little, bald, greedy ball hog. Thus having the qualites needed, he went on to become the Richmond coach. He was no good so they sacked him. Holding a grudge in inverse proportion to his height, he never darkened the doors of Richmond for another 20 years. He finally kissed and made up with Richmind FC a few weeks ago. Don’t know who FR Smith is.
Most of the run was through the slums of Toorak. The thing to do when you get a few quid, is to buy five Toorak acres, whack a 300 square house on it, surround house with gardens the greeness of which will defy water restrictions, surround the whole with a three metre high brick fence and put inpenetrable but see-through French wrought iron gates at the front so that the plebs can see what they’re missing. The Swedish Christian Church in St Georges Rd hasn’t taken a vow of poverty cos it follows the same configuration as aforementioned mega-houses.
Boomer biked the beer to the roadside drink stop to the contemporaneous arrival of walkers and runners.
Pointy awarded Rolf 41/49 for the run although it could have been 41/600, I wasn’t paying attention. Dinner was Australian ethnic muck of sausages, rissoles, salads and really long asparagas spears of which Rolf swallowed one whole. Rolf has a bit of a fascination with long cylindrical things as she had lots of sausages and a couple of wine pumps.
Returnees/Visitors The Boomerang, and LickitySplit from Thirsty hash Sydney.
Special Runs Pointy x 600 GG x 750 Udder x 606.
Charges * Craven and LouBangOz – LouBang for donating blood O-, and Craven for almost needing it when she was attacked by a car. * Too Dumb To Die for being a pavement artist and missing the drink stop. * Cheesecake for confusing Brazillian and Caribbean food. * Cheesecake for upsetting Max by comparing him with Axel. * Klingon, the senator elect for the Secular Party, for going to church last week. * Rolf for making Klingon run past the Swedish Toorak Church. * Mothball on an OH&S charge for not securing his beer properly, getting flicked by his occy strap and drawing blood. * Cooch the FRB for making everyone do the on-backs. * LouBangOz for putting his O- blood into E&B’s onions. * Mothball and Udder for being SCBs. * Rolf for offering Lickitysplit some boiled lollies. * Sooooty (Brazillian pronunciation) for not being able to read a map. * E&B for doing property inspections instead of concentrating on the run. * Craven for feeding sausages to magpies. * Rolf for swallowing an asparagas spear in one gulp. * TDTD for recognising a peenys pump when he sees one. * Cheesecake for pushing all the intercoms and running away in St Georges Rd Toorak.
Prince is going away for 4 weeks so why don’t we have a Christmas coup?
Scribe: Cheesecake
New LSH3 rugby top for sale! Available in several colours; collar is denim. $30. ‘How to order’ details to follow from ‘E’n’B.
Upcoming Events
Next Full Moon run: Run No. 94, at 5pm 16 December 2007. Hares: Morals & Woody. Location: Murrindindi State Forest, at the Bull Creek camp ground accessed from Murrindindi Road.
Upcoming Runs See Upcoming runs page