That would be NickleB joining the dots as he links previous Runs through new territory for Lakeside.

Clever co-Hare Lotsa Fun manages to feed the millions with contents of her bag.

Thanks NickleB & Lotsa for a great run, great food, a great night.
It was fitting that 2 Bottoms was at this Run as it was all about the farty jokes. Blame the over-engineered loo that played havoc with poor Hashers. It refused to open its doors when needy folk were desperate to enter but then swung open those doors at the most inconvenient moments. And please don’t mention the hidden loo paper. In fact the whole evening was conducted to the sounds of the aforesaid contraption going through a never-ending cleaning cycle. Engineers charged for being much too clever.

Bollywood rocking the outfit (or just proud she survived a trip to that scary building to her right).
Add On gave her first ever Walk Report but ended up drinking as the “Old Fart Accuser”. E&B gave the Run Report but being one of those Ole Farts she said she couldn’t remember, but it was a great Run through lovely Parks.
3 new members signed up: Lost Sausage, Libido & Mother Brown.

Tahlia reminds Add On how life once was not so long ago for this cool teenager.

Tahlia reminds Lakesiders how life once was a very, very long time ago.

‘Ole Farts came across a really really ‘Ole Fart

In Add On’s words… this is what distracted the ‘Ole Farts

Your money is safe with this stand-in Hash Cash. Eyes Closed… no probs.

Libido hasn’t got any cash so offers the shirt off her back. Desperate times for Lakeside.
Must be something in the air as 2 Bottoms is caught running with his eyes closed.

Pointy choosing where to place his next tattoo

Pointy is such a wag. He wants Luboil to somersault into his hands but she can’t decide what to do with her bag. Pointy’s living on the wild side. A new Porsche, a new tattoo, and now he wants to join the Circus.

Pointy explains “Somersault up here and you’ll look this big”. Luboil still undecided about that bag.

Colours hoping her shirt doesn’t clash with the yellow watermelon

Was the yellow one really sweeter? Hope it doesn’t give the ‘Ole Farts bloated tummies that lead to……

Who’s been to Mother Hash? He’s travelled far, but tonight Lakeside Hashers re-lived Kling On’s childhood as they ran through his ‘ole neighbourhood. Evidence of this naughty boy’s exploits remain – “JO..” still to be seen etched in the pavement. Proof there’s truth to that homily “Show me the Boy & I’ll show you the Man”. Kling On’s now an ‘Ole Fart but he’s still naughty!

All that transcendental meditation enables 2 Bottoms & Prince to sign the Book remotely….(or are they squeezing tight hoping to suppress those unmentionables?)…….