Lakeside Hash run 1927 Malvern Vale Hotel.
Hares:- Kokup set run and Punch set walk.
A run round the streets and over the railway and freeway.
About 30 runners. Drink stop in Sir Robert Menzies reserve.
Had circle outside in cold carpark. CodPiece can’t talk as teeth chattering.
Run report:- Jackoff:- most part quite good but more on backs than a QuickLay run.
Pog broke all the checks. Sick of freeway. Score half of 1927= 964 .
Walk report:- OldBoar – Da Vinci Code type markings! score 1918.
Returnees:- JackOff, Westy, Batman, StrayPussy, Rigby, CodPiece, OldBoar, Pythagerarse.
Very Special runs:- Punch – 400
Astro – 600
Special runs:- PointPost – 1122
Udder Idiot – 646
LotsaFun – 727
CheeseCake – 686
Birthdays:- Pog 60
E&B 61
Charges:- Lubang and Pog – running red lights.
Cyclone – insurance scam – bent car.
Swingers – finally has mail system working – after 2 years.
ShinyDick – what’s the GM’s name?
E&B – feeling like the ‘Poseidon Adventure’ or ‘A town Like Alice’
leading a group lost on run.
Prince and Pog – all over the place – Prince was on walking trail.
Punch – strange plonker arrows.
Kokup – supplying the plomker.