Hares:- Cod Piece and Old Boar.
A good turnout for a small venue – 23 runners.
Visitors:- Goanna and Scrubber.
Run Report from Cooch:- Long run, about 9km. Lots of construction sites and bridges. Long on home through complicated road works. Scored 1918 / 1919 because of food.
Walk Report from Peanuts:- Middle distance. Met Pointy on bridge half way round. Runners caught up at traffic lights which Prince ran through red. Scored 199 / 200.
Lube Oil received her Best Food Award from last year.
- Codpiece and Old Boar served 3 course meal on china plates with linen napkins!
- Swingers:- GG is not on the internet!!……. he still found the run?
- Kiwis won netball.
- Swingers noted Kokup has a new woman.
- Kokup for having the other woman.
- Prince:- the red light runner.
- Hooray CO:- gave hat to derro under the bridge.
- Back Again:- caught up with Udder……….again.
- Kokup:- Down the pub while the girls made dinner.
- Cheesecake:- the clean up girl.
- Punch:- Brown nosing.