Lakeside Hash run 1931 – Bleakhouse Hotel, Albert Park Hares:- Astro and Cut Loose. $20 food special and last ever drink stop at Little Finlay Street. Champagne, orange juice and strawberries. Returnees:- Whippet and Gerbils – from Darwin Quichlay…
Run 1930|9th October 2019|HoorayCO @ Sandringham
Run 1922| Shiny Dick @Tana Tan | Malvern
Lakeside Hash run 1922 Malvern East Hare:- Shiny Dick Three trails were set. Runners, walkers and old farts. Run described as straight, straight, straight. 22 out of 22. Walk described as double marked (thanks Klingon). 22 out of 22…
Run 1920|Chicken Dicken @Blue River Thai | Cantebury
Lakeside Hash run 1920 Canterbury Hare:- Chicken Dicken. 21 runners and about 7.2km Run report (Swingers):- Quite nice. Lost in Canterbury Gardens. Along Anniversary trail.. Girls playing hockey at high school! Long drag along Mont Albert road. Interesting markings! Either…
Run 1919| CodPiece @home | 24 July 2019
Hares:- Cod Piece and Old Boar. A good turnout for a small venue – 23 runners. Visitors:- Goanna and Scrubber. Run Report from Cooch:- Long run, about 9km. Lots of construction sites and bridges. Long on home through complicated road…
Run1918|NikelB @ The Riversdale |17 July 2019
Lakeside Hash run 1918 @Riversdale Hotel . Hares:- Nickelb Hare said it was 7k but ended up near 9km Run Report from Swingers:- Clockwise, lots of checks and on backs. Through Rocket Park, Past my first house. Scored 1900 /…
Xmas in July
Lakeside Hash run 1917 Fern Tree Gully . Hares:- Mothball & Tigermoth A cool and very windy run, with lots of tree branches down. About 8km. Different terrain and was it set on the motorbike? A great drink stop…